Amazing course.
PSY 370 (Introduction to Clinical Psychology) which involves a three-hour-a-week placement working with patients at Pilgrim State Psychiatric Center in Brentwood needs to have a screening interview with Professor Paul Ginnetty in order to be considered for enrollment in this particular course. There are only six openings each semester—the limit set by Pilgrim.
Interested students should sign up for an interview appointment on the list of available office hour times posted on the door of Dr. Ginnetty (E-113) on or before Thursday, October 20th. Students who have interviewed for this course in the past, must, nevertheless, be briefly re-interviewed to be considered for the Spring 2023 placement.
Requirements: Applicants must be Psychology majors who will have completed PSY 271 (Abnormal Psychology) prior to the Spring 2023 semester, and they should also have a GPA of at least 3.0. They must also be free Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the spring, Tuesdays from 8:00-9:35 for class here and Thursdays from 9:00 to noon to be at Pilgrim. Finally, they must have had this season’s flu shot before beginning the placement. (Anyone who has a medical reason that would prevent them from getting a flu shot would not be able to apply. Our hosts at Pilgrim are adamant about his point, especially since the onset of COVID situation.)
Any questions can be addressed to Dr. Ginnetty at